Just Take Their Guns : Can Gun Makers Be Liable in Mass Shootings?
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Just Take Their Guns

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Can Gun Makers Be Liable in Mass Shootings?

almost 2 years ago

Gun manufacturers were granted broad immunity from lawsuits over gun crimes by a 2005 act of Congress. But three recent legal developments may allow plaintiffs in some states to successfully sue gun makers, like plaintiffs in the Sandy Hook case who won a $73 million settlement, says South Texas College of Law Houston professor Dru Stevenson. He details these developments referencing a recent Brooklyn lawsuit.

Gun manufacturers were granted broad immunity from lawsuits over gun crimes by a 2005 act of Congress. But three recent legal developments may allow plaintiffs in some states to successfully sue gun makers, like plaintiffs in the Sandy Hook case who won a $73 million settlement, says South Texas College of Law Houston professor Dru Stevenson. He details these developments referencing a recent Brooklyn lawsuit.